Sunday 11 March 2012

Rebel to a cause- The Misguided Messiah?!

A number of times I come across people who are out to prove a point, wishing to prove the point above everything in their lives.  They have taken a sacred mission, placing it above everything in their lives, even their lives itself.  They want to do this to make everybody sit up and take notice that they are the greatest among all their compatriots and that others are just minnows in front of their lofty missions.

Let us stop here and take stock of the situation. Are the ones we are out to prove as no-account-minnows so big, that we are trying to prove them wrong by investing our entire lives into proving this point?  Even to the point of letting- go of all the happiness and enjoyment of our lives, the beauty of our beings? What kind of a cruel joke is that? Doesn’t that prove exactly the opposite of what we were out to prove? All it proves is that their opinion is more important than our entire lives.

Having missions in life is not bad , per se, but generally these missions are too small or too vague or too biased, maybe trying to prove a certain philosophy of life as the only correct way of living, trying to prove a person- who has put us down- wrong. They become too consuming and take all kinds of perspective out of our lives. Having the need to allow these missions to be 'the only thing' in our lives, is where we start going wrong. We should always realise that our life is too precious a gift to while away in trying to seek the appreciation of other persons, singular or in groups, proving a single point right or wrong, to the exclusion of all enjoyment and appreciation of other points-of-view and imagination. 

No doubt these ‘messiahs’ get occasional positive feedback, very strong one at that,  which encourages them to continue on the way to complete their mission, and most of the time such feedback is quite genuine. But is that reason enough to make you ruin your life?  Would you allow the opinion of one person, or a group, no doubt how important or intelligent or motivated you consider them to be, to take up the reins of your life at the cost of all the endowments you are going to overlook in your life?  Do you not want to live a full life simply because of your obligation to a few supporters or admirers? Don’t you value yourself enough, have enough self-esteem, to disappoint a million so called admirers, and allow yourself a life of self-contentment rather than being a slave to your obligations and ‘their’ preferences?

‘Moreover, my parents also keep encouraging me all along my way’  is generally the rhetoric of a social messiah. If it is not a parent then it would be a friend, a relative or an organisation, what difference does that make? Whom would you want to place higher  in your life than your own well-being and your own brains? How often do you reflect as to whose life are you allowing to be wasted?

Do you want to take control of your own life or let other well-meaning (!), and perhaps equally misguided, persons to be in the driving seat of your life? The decision is always yours! And, of course, you are always free to demand back the control!!