Saturday 25 February 2012

Irreverence: Thou name is individuality

      Irreverence is of the essence, because to place somebody above you is to give almost all of youself to the whims of an ideosyncrat. Why not you? No one is worthy of your sustained (or more than a flitting) reverence; Bernard shaw, Shakespeare, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela et al, if your  esteem is not supreme, then who is it. Did you choose this life? Why be indebted eternally for a non-gift? Why thank any body for an unwanted gift which spawns all kinds of responsibilities and hardly bestows any blessings. You are required to look a certain way. Even looking casual or a rebel is a demand of the situation. Your smile, your bored public expression, your requirement to be your own man, an ideosyncrat, a non-confirmist are all demands which you are obliged to pander to. Some freedom that!!! REVERENCE!!!!.

        ‘I thank my director, my parents, my……, the Eastern side of West Hollywood for appreciating a role which I hated to do and not taking any cognisance of the work I loved to do. Now I will bow to your preferences and not do any original work. And of course thank God for my success and my prostitution! Because I am not a full individual, but depend upon your applause to recognise my ‘existence’. If that is not duplicity, what else is? And for what? To be somebody in the eyes of the billions who are nobodys in individuality but are commerce united. In commerce we believe. The ravishings, the gorgeouses and the magnenimouses are zilch but for the very lowly intelligence endowed. Some things are too sacred to be commented against even though you (and most other intelligent beings) ridicule them in your own heart.

       HONK & Be proud if you are a non-entity and your organisation, your school is all that gives you a semblance of a sense of self-worth otherwise you would have been a pig in the swamp or a dog in a drain , who perhaps  is more proud of himself as he has no institution to thank for having given him an independent existence.
Be a SWINE, a proud swine than being a ‘no exist’ president of the US.

       Who doesn’t know the nether Lord, the corrupt satanic ‘Me Lord’, the corrupt and incorrect umpire, the orthodox rebel.... but still there is the grave silence. Nobody raises his voice against an institution which is greater than humanity itself, greater than YOU?!!! Can you believe that? Isn’t that the greatest joke of all. Up with reverence.... Down with individuals... up with institutionalised prostitution. Up with pretense, down with conscience. 

I am with you, you joke of a world !!

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