Saturday 10 March 2012

Dare to be Happy

Many of us are eternally on the brink of depression.

Grief-stricken, sick of our existence,  defeated by our day to day routine.  

Even those whom everybody acknowledges as grand successes. Most of them are not able to let go and relax. The idea of everything being under control is alien to them, they simply can’t be purely happy and the feeling of imminent doom is always lurking in the background. 

In some cultures, I am  amazed to note, there is practically a laid down belief that if you become too happy, doom awaits you around the corner. The children are not allowed to laugh too much for fear of their coming to some grievous danger.
The fact of the matter, however, is that our actual enjoyment, at any time in our lives, is directly proportional to our expectation of the being happy and our capacity to enjoy. If we have the willingness to be happy, the Gods too open up their bounties for us. 

You may invent a million reasons for being unhappy- the fate has not been kind to you, your health is not perfect, your kids are not what you craved them to be, you are not capable of having the luxuries which you are dying to have, but despite all these handicaps, if you are not enjoying the present moment, at all the times, you will not enjoy any moment in your life. Because,  the present moment is the only place where you will always be, and you will have to get into the habit of enjoying the present, inspite of all the possible futures and the darkest of the pasts.

You are always free to keep on adding demands to your wish-list - being able to fly, thought travel,  invisibility, invincibility and what-you-will, but if you plan to be a well-balanced person you should always be ready to be happy even without the basic amenities of life.  

And, believe me, God is not a vicious being who always wants you to ‘not-forget’ Him and be in His debt always, and is not eternally vengeful, waiting to spring the most excruciating of penalties upon you to ‘teach you a lesson’ if you step out of line.

Always remember, there is just one way of being happy, and that is, ‘to be happy’ .  Always expecting that something wonderfully pleasant is about to happen.

 Try it out for yourself and notice how your life changes ! Amen !

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