Saturday 3 March 2012


Almost everybody I know agrees that the Generation Gap is one of the worst maladies that confronts our world and the world could have been a much better place if somehow the situation could be properly addressed. Quotes like ‘Every generation is so designed as to give maximum trouble to the previous generation’ abound, and almost everybody keeps talking untiringly about ‘our times’ / ’our generation’ with such wistful nostalgia that the generation gap becomes most real.
But have you ever pondered these normal observations with a deeper insight? Do you recollect that your colleague Angels never seems to agree with you though both of you share the same month and year of birth. And the lady at the reception is so different even though she is only a year junior. Like nobody in your age group could agree to the same choice of restaurant for the company’s annual bash as everybody seemed to have a different experience with the same places. And that whizkid of the spoilt brat , 20 years your junior, was the only one with you in choosing the ‘ Angel’s Stopover’ as the right choice?

Only the MD, 10 years your senior, and the whizkid seem to agree that the strange gizmo the company has lately started shipping out can sell a million pieces in the year. Have you ever wondered that most of the persons in your age group seem to disagree on a zillion things (Well try making a list of these things and you will find out in a hurry!) and many of the others which are years apart tend to agree with your views or at least like them, at times are  impressed with them. Some amongst the younger/older generation seem such well behaved angels while others of your age are such insipid monsters.

Then where is this generation gap, when disagreements amongst compatriots abound while there is unity of thought amongst people who are years apart. Generally it is only a figment of our imagination, a simple way of bundling one-to-one relationships so that most situations can be attributed to a simple difference of age. And where does a generation start and the previous one ends? Why are your two kids, who were born just two years apart,  light-years apart in their behaviour? No simple solutions this time around? And what is the need for such simplistic explanations, aren’t they both equally adorable despite their differences! Is the world not such a wonderful place, where novelties abound, because of the differences of perception amongst individuals, where a Disney makes a wonderful difference, a Bernard Shaw paints the scenes totally differently than you always thought about it, a Tennyson, a Bach conjure up such beauty out of their imagination?

Would you write-off zillions of people under the label of a different generation rather than appreciating their points-of-view, their thought-process, their feelings towards you and dig such wide chasms between younger and older persons despite this multitude being such a diverse treasure of talent, available right in front of you. 

And make a complete mess of your life in the bargain?!!!!!    


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